Diego Volosky


October 2023 -


Ph.D. at the Institut für Geowissenschaften der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Thesis: ‘Conchostracans from the Triassic of the Atacama Region in northern Chile:

Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleoecology’



B.Sc. at Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Thesis: ‘Taphonomic Analysis of Fossil Concentrations from Ranquil Formation (Lower Miocene), Biobío Region, Chile’



Álvarez-Amado et al. (2022)


“The role of ignimbrites and fine sediments in the lithium distribution and isotopic fractionation in hyperarid environments: Insights from Li-isotopes in the Atacama Desert “, published in Journal of Geochemical Exploration https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gexplo.2022.107062


Talks and conferences

November 7-13. 2022


Conference talks and participation at the II Chilean Congress of Paleontology Tagua Tagua 2022

Title of presentation: “New records of triassic conchostracans in the El Mono Beds and Cifuncho Formation, Northern Chile”

Title of presentation: “Taphonomical analysis of the faunal associations from the Lower Miocene Ranquil Formation, Biobío Region, Chile”