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Welcome to the working group General and Historical Geology !
These pages describe specifically the contributions of our working group to the two courses in Geosciences.
In the Bachelors
In the BSc program, you will go through a series of compulsory subjects in the first four semesters. But in the 5th semester, electives allow you to test your inclinations. Our research group contributes two modules to the 5th semester electives:
Paleontology, taught on a weekly basis by Dr. Peter Frenzel, describes the origin and evolution of life on Earth, its adaptation and diversity of forms, and the laws governing its development. The course also introduces the major fossil groups. This is the only course in the curriculum and university-wide that provides a basic introduction to the history of life on our planet.
Sedimentary Laboratory Methods and Petrography consists of a block course during the non-lecture period and a semester-long "taster" course "Sedimentary Petrography". You will learn the main investigation techniques used by sedimentary geologists and commonly used in laboratories: Sieve and slurry analysis, mineral separation, microscopy of sandstones and carbonates, carbonate content determination, description of textural parameters. The semester course "Sedimentary Petrography" provides an introduction to microscopy of the most common sedimentary rocks.
In the Masters
If you are interested in petroleum geology, petrophysics, astrobiology, micropaleontology/paleoecology, or the content, architecture, and deformation of sedimentary basins, if you enjoy Regional Geology maps and profiles or mapping and sampling field work in mountain ranges and adjacent sedimentary basins, or if you want to trace the earliest life on our planet: Why don't you choose the Geology track of the MSc and join our research group ! In it there is a wide choice of electives, which are listed in the module overview.