C. Heubeck

Prof. Dr. Christoph Heubeck

C. Heubeck
Image: C. Heubeck

Principal Interests

  • Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentary Petrography, Regional Geology
  • Deformed sedimentary basins
  • Earth History with an emphasis on Archean geology
  • Petroleum geoscience with a focus on reservoir characterization

Most of my studies are field-based.

I have long been fascinated by the surface conditions of the early Earth. To that purpose, my students (at all levels) and I conduct field-based studies in the Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa and Eswatini). Depending on the research questions, these studies combine field geology with geochronologic, stratigraphic, sedimentologic, structural and/or biogeochemical aspects. I regularly write grant proposals and advertise for PhD-students.

My Projects

Currently, the following projects are active :

  • Terrestrial surface environments of the Moodies Group (PhD-student Sebastian Reimann)
  • The Moodies Magmatic Complex (PhD-student Deon Janse van Rensburg)
  • BASE (Barberton Archean Surface Environments): an ICDP-funded drilling project, including 8 inclined cored boreholes of ca. 350m length each through key section of the Moodies Group (3.22 Ga) of the Barberton Greenstone Belt
  • BROMACKER: Investigating the paleoecology of an early Permian terrestrial vertebrate lagerstaette (2 Postodcs, several MSc-students)

These projects have recently been concluded

  • Earth's oldest mappable ecosystem: Biomats of the Moodies Group (former PhD-student Martin Homann, former postdocs Dr. Inga Köhler, Sami Nabhan)
  • The role of Partial Convective Overturn in the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Linking deep crustal-mantle and surface processes through integrated sedimentary and structural analysis of the syntectonic Moodies Group (with Martin Van Kranendonk and former PhD-Student Matthias Schmitz)

Teaching responsibilities

Outside of Archean gelogy, I contribute to publications on clastic sediments in various environments and of various ages.

In Jena (2014-present), I teach Sedimentary Geology ("Exogene Geologie") and Earth History at the undergraduate level, Sedimentary Basins and Subsurface Management at the graduate level and contribute a few lectures and exercises on Hydrocarbons to Resource Geology, all during summer term ("Sommersemester").

In winter term ("Wintersemester"), I teach the graduate class Sedimentary Petrography, a graduate seminar on Earth Systems / Earth History, contribute to a short graduate field course (Regional Geology) in March or April and contribute to the undergraduate classes Introduction to Sedimentary PetrographyLaboratory Methods in Sedimentary Geology and to Introductory Geology.

Every two years or so, I teach or co-teach the Große Exkursion, the final two-week international field trip of the Master's program.

In Berlin (2000-2014), I taught a similar set of classes: Sedimentary Geology, parts of Earth History, parts of Introductory Geology, field classes, and seminars at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, I taught Petroleum Geology, Sedimentary Petrography and parts of Tectonics of Sedimentary BasinsAdvanced Field Methods, a variety of regional field seminars, and How to build a habitable Earth.

                                                     Professional history


since 2014

Head of Department (Geschäftsführender Institutsdirektor)

Professor (W3) of Geology (General Geology and Earth History), Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena


Professor (C3) of Geology (Sedimentary Geology), Freie Universität BerlinExternal link

Teaching courses related to the sedimentary rock record, including Introductory GeosciencesEarth SystemsSedimentary Petrography, facies analysis and depositional systems, mapping classes, Petroleum Geology, international and regional field trips, Earth HistoryTectonics of Sedimentary Basins etc.

Involvement in administration, including Associate Dean (Teaching) of the School of Earth Science, Head of Department etc.

Funded research projects in Chile, Bolivia, South Africa, Kazakhstan, and China.

Sabbaticals in Antofagasta and Santiago/Chile, Nanjing/China, and Stellenbosch/South Africa.


Staff Geologist, BP Amoco CanadaExternal linkCalgaryExternal link / Alberta: Exploration in the Rocky MountainsExternal link foothills for gas in thrusted anticlines.


Senior Petrophysicist, Amoco Research Technology Center, Tulsa/OK: Participant in the one-year "Petrophysics ProgramExternal link" training course. Reservoir analysis of Appleton and Fulmar Fields, Central North Sea, UK.


Senior Geologist, Amoco Orient Production Company, Houston/TX: Assigned to the Liuhua FieldExternal link Asset Team, a shallow carbonate oil field offshore Hongkong (PRC).


Regional Studies Group, Amoco Exploration, Houston/TX: Regional stratigraphic and structural work in central Asia with focus on the Tarim basin in western China.

Analysis of Iraq's petroleum potential; database development.

Contribution to regional studies worldwide by contributing computer-generated plate-tectonic base maps and plate-tectonic reconstructions.


Ph.D. student, Stanford UniversityExternal link, California: Research in the Archaean Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. (Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Geochronology, Tectonics).


Master's degree student, The University of Texas at Austin: Geology of the Southeastern Termination of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, Greater Antilles. (Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Structure/Tectonics). A large part of the thesis work was done at the Institute for GeophysicsExternal link, UT Austin.


Undergraduate student, Würzburg University (interrupted by military service); Vordiplom.

Peer-reviewed Publications

(1) Peer-reviewed publishing is the hallmark of a scientist. However, don't neglect to communicate with the folks outside the ivory tower! Popular publications should complement any scientist's portfolio.

(2) Please contact me for pdfs.

(my h-index as of April, 2022, using ISI Web of Knowledge, is 21, using Scopus, 24, using Google Scholar, 31)


Heubeck, C., N. Drabon, G. Byerly, I. Leisgang, U. Linnemann, D.R. Lowe, R. Mertz-Kraus, A. Gonzalez-Pinzon, T. Thomsen, A. Zeh, Y. Rojas-Agramonte, A. Kröner, 2022, Detrital zircon provenance of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Eswatini. American Journal of Science 322, 65-107, DOI 10.2475/02.2022.01

Heubeck, C., S. Bläsing, N. Drabon, T. Eulenfeld, M.U. Grund, M. Homann, D. Janse van Rensburg, I. Köhler, S. Nabhan, C. Rabethge, T. Voigt, and D. Zentner-Joerges, 2022, Reassessing evidence of Moon-Earth dynamics from tidal bundles at 3.2 Ga (Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa). Sedimentology; DOI:10.1111/sed.12988


Bonnand, P., Köhler C., Heubeck, M. Homann, P. NHomann, M., and C. Heubeck, 2021, "A comment on "Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt)"" by Saitoh et al. (2021). Precambrian Research, 365 (2021): 106395.

Janse van Rensburg, D., C. Heubeck, S. Reimann, 2021, Volcanoes in the estuaries: Insights into earth's oldest (3.22 Ga) terrestrial microbial habitats, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt. Research, 365 (2021) 106325.

Schmitz, M., and Heubeck, C. 2021, Constraints on deformation mechanisms of the Barberton Greenstone Belt from regional stratigraphic and structural data of the synorogenic Moodies Group. Precambrian Research, 362, 15 August 2021, 106177.

Reimann, S., Heubeck, C., Janse van Rensburg, D.J., Fugmann, P., Serre, S. H., Thomsen, T.B., Zametzer, A., 2021, Syndepositional hydrothermalism selectively preserves records of one of the earliest benthic ecosystems, Moodies Group (3.22 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: South African Journal of Geology 124, 253-278.


Bonnand, P., I. Köhler C. Heubeck, M. Homann, P. Nonotte, , K.O. Konhauser, M. Boyet, S.V. Lalonde, 2020, Post-depositional REE mobility in a Paleoarchean banded iron formation revealed by La-Ce geochronology: A cautionary tale for signals of ancient oxygenation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 547, 116452.

Becker, L., and Heubeck, C., 2020, Behind-the-outcrop research drilling in the Sobrarbe Delta, Ainsa Basin: Core description and sedimentation processes in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic delta complex. In J. Grötsch und M. Pöppelreiter, eds., Digital Geology - Multi-scale analysis of depositional systems and their subsurface workflows. - EAGE (Amsterdam), 139-160.

Nabhan, S., Marin-Carbonne, J., Mason, P.R.D., and C. Heubeck, 2020, In situ S-isotope compositions of sulfate and sulfide from the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Africa: A record of oxidative sulfur cycling. Geobiology 2020;00: 1 - 19; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12393

Sun, X., C. Heubeck, M. Steiner, B. Yang, 2020, Facies analysis and environmental setting of the earliest Cambrian Yangtze Platform, South China: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 538, 109424.


Köhler, I., and Heubeck, C., 2019, Tephra associated with microbial mats of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Resemblance to potential biostructures and ecological implications: South African Journal of Geology; doi:10.25131/sajg.122.0015

Drabon, N., C. Heubeck, and D.R. Lowe, accepted 2019, Evolution of an Archean fan delta and its implications for the initiation of uplift and deformation in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Journal of Sedimentary Research

Heubeck, C., 2019, The Moodies Group - A high-resolution archive of Archaean surface and basin-forming processes; in: A. Kröner and A. Hofmann (eds.), The Archaean Geology of the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa. Springer (Regional Geology Reviews), p. 203-241; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78652-0_6

Stutenbecker, L., Heubeck, C., and Zeh, A., 2019, The Lomati Delta Complex: A prograding tidal delta in the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt. South African Journal of Geology, 122, 17-38.


Byerly, G.R., D.R. Lowe, C. Heubeck, 2018, Geologic evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt - a unique record of crustal development, surface processes, and early life 3.55 to 3.20 Ga; in: Van Kranendonk, M.J., Bennett, V.C., and Hoffmann, J.E., Earth's Oldest Rocks - Second Edition. Elsevier (Amsterdam), 569-613.

Homann, M., P. Sansjofre, M. Van Zuilen, C. Heubeck, J. Gong, B. Killingsworth, I. Foster, A. Airo, M. J. Van Kranendonk, M. Ader, and S.V. Lalonde, 2018, Microbial life and biogeochemical cycling on land 3,220 million years ago: Nature Geoscience, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0190-9

Salehi, M.A., R. Moussavi-Harami, A. Mahboubi, F. Th. Fürsich, M. Wilmsen, and C. Heubeck, 2018, A tectono-stratigraphic record of an extensional basin: the Lower Jurassic Ab-Haji Formation of east-central Iran. Swiss J Geosci 111, 51-78.

Salehi, M.A., Sebdani, Z.M., Pakzad, H.R., Bahrami, A., Fürsich, F., and Heubeck, C., 2018, Provenance and palaeogeography of uppermost Triassic and Lower Cretaceous terrigenous rocks of central Iran: Reflection of the Cimmerian events. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 288, 49-77.


Jafarian, A., R. Fallah-Bagtash, F. Mattern, and C. Heubeck, 2017, Reservoir quality along a homoclinal carbonate ramp deposit: The Permian Upper Dalan Formation, South Pars Field, Persian Gulf Basin: Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88, 587-604.


Heubeck, C., S. Bläsing, N. Drabon, M. Grund, M. Homann and S. Nabhan, 2016, Geological constraints on Archean (3.22 Ga) coastal-zone processes from the Dycedale Syncline, Barberton Greenstone Belt: South African Journal of Geology, 119, 495-518.

Nabhan, S., M. Wiedenbeck, R. Milke, C. Heubeck, 2016, Biogenic overgrowth on detrital pyrite in 3.2 Ga Archean paleosols: Geology, 44, 763-766.

Nabhan, S., T. Luber, F. Scheffler, C. Heubeck, 2016, Climatic and geochemical implications of Archean pedogenic gypsum in the Moodies Group (∼3.2 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Precambrian Research, 275, 119-134.

Homann, M, C. Heubeck, T.R.R. Bontognali, A.-S. Bouvier, L.P. Baumgartner, A. Airo, 2016, Evidence for cavity-dwelling microbial life in 3.22 Ga tidal deposits: Geology, 44, 51-54.


Gamper A., Struck U., Ohnemüller F., Heubeck C., Hohl, S., 2015, Chemo- and biostratigraphy of the Gaojiashan section (northern Yangtze platform, South China): A new Pc-C boundary section: Fossil Record, 18, 105-117.

Homann, M., C. Heubeck, A. Airo, M.M. Tice, 2015, Morphological adaptations of microbial communities to 3.22 Ga-old coastal habitats (Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa): Precambrian Research, 266, 47-64.


Salehi, M.A., S. R. Moussavi-Harami, A. Mahboubi, M. Wilmsen and C. Heubeck, 2014, Tectonic and palaeogeographic implications of compositional variations within the siliciclastic Ab-Haji Formation (Lower Jurassic, east-central Iran): N. Jb. Geol. Pal., Stuttgart, 271, 21-48.


Heubeck, C., G. Ergaliev, S. Evseev, 2013, Large-scale seismogenic deformation of a carbonate platform straddling the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary, Karatau Range, Kazakhstan: Journal of Sedimentary Research, 83, 1004-1024.

Heubeck, C., J. Engelhardt, G.R. Byerly, A. Zeh, B. Sell, T. Luber, and D.R. Lowe, 2013, Timing of deposition and deformation of the Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa): Very-high-resolution of Archaean surface processes: Precambrian Research, 231, 236- 262. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2013.03.021

Zeh, A., A. Gerdes, C. Heubeck, 2013, U-Pb and Hf isotope data of detrital zircons from the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Constraints on provenance and Archaean crustal evolution: Journal of the Geological Society of London, 170, 215 -223. doi: 10.1144/jgs2011-162.

Kraus, S.H., R. Brandner, C. Heubeck, H.W. Kozur, U. Struck, C. Korte, 2013, Carbon isotope signatures of latest Permian marine successions of the Southern Alps indicate a continental runoff pulse enriched in land plant material: Fossil Record, 16, 97-109.


Lowe, D.R., G. Byerly and C. Heubeck, 2012, Geologic Map of the west-central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, scale 1:25,000: Geol. Soc. America Map and Chart Series No. 103.

Aghaei, A., A. Mahboubi, R. Moussavi-Harami, C. Heubeck, and M. Nadjafi, 2012, Facies interpretation and sequence stratigraphy of Upper Jurassic carbonates in the Eastern Alborz range and Binalud mountains, NE Iran: Facies (Erlangen) 59, p. 863-889; DOI: 10.1007/s10347-012-0339-8

Gamper, A., Heubeck, C., Demske, D., and Hoehse, M., 2012, Composition and microfacies of Archean microbial mats (Moodies Group, Ca. 3.22 Ga, South Africa); in: Noffke, N., and Chafetz, H. (eds.), Microbial Mats in Siliciclastic Depositional Systems Through Time: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Tulsa, OK. Spec. Publ. 101, 65-74.



Hulka, C., and C. Heubeck, 2010, Eastward Andean growth recorded by sandstone petrology and provenance of the Chaco foreland basin fill, southern Bolivia: Journal of Sedimentary Research, 80, 288-299, DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2010.029.

Heubeck, C., M. Raitzsch, D. Völker, M. Wiedicke-Hombach, J. Díaz-Naveas, and J. Frutos, 2010, Sedimentación; in: Comité Oceanográfico Nacional de Chile, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería de Chile (eds.), Geología Marina de Chile, 52-55.


Jiang Sh.-Y., Pi D.-H, Heubeck C., Frimmel H., Liu Yu-P., Deng H.-L., Ling H.-F., Yang J.-H. and Zhu M., 2009, Dating of the global anoxia event above the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary: Nature, 459,  E5-E6.

Heubeck, C., 2009, An early ecosystem of Archean tidal microbial mats (Moodies Group, South Africa, ca. 3.2 Ga): Geology, 37, 931-934; doi: 10.1130/G30101A.1

Heubeck, C., 2009, Geröllführende sedimentäre Gänge der Eisenach-Formation (Oberrotliegend): Modifizierte artesische Injektionen am Fuß alluvialer Fächer ?: Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 160/1, 41-56.


Völker, D., T. Reichel, M. Wiedicke, and C. Heubeck, 2008, Turbidites deposited on Southern Central Chilean seamounts: evidence for energetic turbidity currents: Marine Geology, 251, p. 15-31; doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2008.01.008

Buatois, L.A., Uba, C.E., Mángano, M.G., Hulka, C., Heubeck, C., 2008, Deep and intense bioturbation in continental environments: Evidence from Miocene fluvial deposits of Bolivia. In: Pemberton, G., Bromley, R., Buatois, L.A., Genise, J., Mángano, M.G. and Melchor, R. (eds.), Ichnology at the Crossroads: A multidimensional approach to the science of organism-substrate interactions. SEPM Special Publication, 88, 123-136.


Vernhet, E., C. Heubeck, M.-Y. Zhu and J.-M. Zhang, 2007, Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Ediacaran Yangtze platform margin (Hunan province, China) using a large olistolith: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 254 (1-2), 1-362.

Guo, Q.J., Strauss, H., Liu, C.Q., Goldberg, T., Zhu, M.Y., Pi, D.H., Heubeck, C., Vemhet, E., Yang, X.L., and Fu, P.Q., 2007, Carbon isotopic evolution of the terminal Neoproterozoic and early Cambrian: Evidence from the Yangtze platform, South China: Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 254 (1-2), 140-157.

Raitzsch, M., D. Völker, and C. Heubeck, 2007, Neogene sedimentary and mass-wasting processes on the continental margin off south-central Chile inferred from dredge samples: Marine Geology, 244,. 166-183.


Hulka, C., K.-U. Gräfe, B. Sames, C. Heubeck, C. Uba, 2006, Depositional setting of the middle to late Miocene Yecua Formation of the Chaco foreland basin, southern Bolivia: in Hoorn, C., and Vonhof, H., Guest Editors, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 21 (Special Issue), 135-150.

Scheuber, E., D. Mertmann, H. Ege, P. Silva-Gonzalez, C. Heubeck, K.-J. Reutter, V. Jacobshagen, 2006, Exhumation and basin development related to formation of the central Andean plateau, 21° S; in: Oncken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P., Götze, H.-J., Ramos, V., Strecker, M., Wigger, P. (eds.): The Andes - Active Subduction Orogeny. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, vol. 1, XXII, 570 pp., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 285 - 302.

Völker, D., M. Wiedicke, S. Ladage, C. Gaedeke, C. Reichert, K. Rauch, W. Kramer, and C. Heubeck, 2006, Latitudinal variation in Sedimentary Processes in the Chilean Trench off Central Chile; in: Oncken, O., Chong, G., Franz, G., Giese, P., Götze, H.-J., Ramos, V., Strecker, M., Wigger, P. (eds.: The Andes - Active Subduction Orogeny. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, vol. 1, XXII, 570 pp., Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 193-216.

Uba, C., Heubeck, C., and Hulka, C., 2006, Evolution of the late Cenozoic Chaco foreland basin, Southern Bolivia: Basin Research, 18, 145-170.

Vernhet, E., Heubeck, C., M.-Y. Zhu and J.-M. Zhang, 2006, Large-scale slope instability at the southern margin of the Ediacaran Yangtze platform (Hunan province, central China): Precambrian Research, 148 (1-2), 32-41.


Uba, C.E., C. Heubeck and C. Hulka, 2005, Facies analysis and basin architecture of the Neogene Subandean synorogenic wedge, southern Bolivia: Sedimentary Geology, 180, 91-123.


Heubeck, C., K. Story, P. Peng, C. Sullivan, and S. Duff, 2004, An integrated reservoir study of the Liuhua 11-1 field using a high-resolution three-dimensional seismic data set; in: Seismic imaging of carbonate reservoirs and systems: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir, 81, 149 - 168.

Zhang J.M., Zhu M.Y., Yang A.H., Li G.X., Yang J.H., Heubeck C., 2004, Stratigraphic implications of Sinian-Early Cambrian volcanic ash beds on the Yangtze Platform: Progress in Natural Science, 14 (1), 71-76.




Heubeck, C., 2001, Assembly of central Asia during the middle and late Paleozoic; in: Davis, G., and M.S. Hendrix, eds., Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonic evolution of central Asia: Geological Society of America Memoir 194, 1-22.


Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1999, Sedimentary petrology and provenance of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, in: Lowe, D.R., and Byerly, G.R., eds., Geologic Evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa; Geological Society of America Special Paper 329, 259-286.

Lowe, D.R., G.R. Byerly, and C. Heubeck, 1999, Structural divisions and development of the west-central part of the Barberton greenstone belt, in: Lowe, D.R., and Byerly, G.R., eds., Geologic Evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa; Geological Society of America Special Paper 329, 37-82.

Murray, C.J., D.R. Lowe, S.A.Graham, P.A., Martinez, J. Zeng, A.R. Carroll, R. Cox, M. Hendrix, C. Heubeck, D. Miller, I.W. Moxon, E. Sobel, J. Wendebourg, and T. Williams, 1996, Statistical analysis of bed-thickness patterns in a turbidite section from the Great Valley Sequence, Cache Creek, northern California: Journal of Sedimentary Research, 66, 900-908.


Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1994, Depositional and Tectonic Setting of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Precambrian Research, 68, 257-290.

Heubeck, C., and Lowe, D.R., 1994, Late Syndepositional Deformation and Detachment Tectonics in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Tectonics, 13, 1514-1536.

Heubeck, C., Toulkeridis, T., Wendt, J.I., Kröner, A., and Lowe, D.R., 1993, Timing of deformation of the Archean Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: constraints from zircon dating of the Salisbury Kop pluton: Journal of South African Geology, 96, 1-8.

Heubeck, C., 1992, Sedimentology of Large Olistoliths, Southern Cordillera Central, Hispaniola: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 62 (3), 474-482.

Heubeck, C., P. Mann, J. Dolan, and S. Monechi, 1991, Diachronous Uplift and Recycling of Sedimentary Basins during Cenozoic Tectonic Transpression, Northeastern Caribbean Plate Margin: Sedimentary Geology, 70, 1-32.

Heubeck, C., and P. Mann, 1991, Geologic Evaluation of Plate-kinematic Models for the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone: Tectonophysics, 191, 1-26.

Heubeck, C., and P. Mann, 1991, Structural Geology and Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Southeastern Termination of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, in: Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America - Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola: Geological Society of America Special Paper 262, 315 - 336.

Mann, P., M.C. Lebron, J. Rodriguez, and C. Heubeck (comp.), 1991, Geologic map of the southern Dominican Republic, in: Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America - Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola: Geological Society of America Special Paper 262, 3 sheets.

Dolan, J.F., P. Mann, S. Monechi, R. DeZoeten, C. Heubeck, and J. Shiroma, 1991, Sedimentologic, Stratigraphic, and Tectonic Synthesis of Eocene - Miocene Sedimentary Basins, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in: Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America - Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola: Geological Society of America Special Paper 262, 217 - 263.

prior to 1990

Gahagan, L.M., C.R. Scotese, J.-Y. Royer, D. Sandwell, J.K. Winn, R.L. Tomlins, M.I. Ross, J.S. Newman, R.D. Müller, C.L. Mayes, L.A. Lawver, and C. Heubeck, 1988, Tectonic Fabric Map of the Ocean Basins from Satellite Altimetry Data: Tectonophysics, 155, 1-26.

Scotese, C.R., L. Gahagan, M.I. Ross, J.Y. Royer, R.D. Mueller, D. Nuernberg, C.L. Mayes, L.A. Lawver, R.L. Tomlins, J.S. Newman, C. E. Heubeck, J. K. Winn, L. Beckley, and J.G. Sclater, 1987, Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic plate-tectonic reconstructions: Technical Report (Univ. of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics), unpaginated.

Popular Science

Heubeck, C., 2019, Experience the Geotrail - Travel to the Beginnings of Earth History. Zig-Zag leaflet (8 pages). Front: Text and images; Back: Strip map of the R40 Geotrail, Barberton to Piggs Peak, South Africa.

Heubeck, C., T. Ferrar, K. Lane, L. Lane, 2013, Developing Geotourism in the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Geol. Soc. South Africa Geobulletin 56(2), 20-23.

Ferrar, T., and C. Heubeck, 2013, Barberton-Makhonjwa Geotrail, Geosites and Viewpoints: Hamilton-Fynch for Barberton Tourism and Business Council, Nelspruit, South Africa, 44 p. (2nd edition 2018).

Autorenkollektiv (Arp, Back, Bahlburg, Betzler, Breitkreuz, Fischer, Gaupp, Heimhofer, Heubeck, Hinderer, Immenhauser, Mösle, Reichenbacher, Reicherter, Reuning, Spiske, Stollhofen, Voigt, von Eynatten), 2011, Sedimentäre Geologie: Status, Signifikanz, Perspektiven. Geologische Mitteilungen, 44, 6-17.

Kirstein, J., and C. Heubeck, 2011, Geologischer Radwanderwegführer Eschwege - Witzenhausen (Werratal). - Faltblatt (12 Seiten), Selbstverlag.

Hoppe, J., and C. Heubeck, 2011, Geologischer Radwanderwegführer Creuzburg - Eschwege (Werratal). - Faltblatt (12 Seiten), Selbstverlag.

Heubeck, C., 2007, Porosität und Permeabilität in natürlichen Gesteinen; in: Der belebte Planet II, (Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin), Selbstverlag des Fachbereichs Geowissenschaften, 36-44.

Handy, M.R. and C. Heubeck, 2003, Kartierung in Gefahr? Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 12, 19-21.


Byerly, G., D.R. Lowe, and C. Heubeck, 2019, Komati, Hooggenoeg and Kromberg Formations of the Archean Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.External link April 2019 LIP of the Month

Altermann, W., T. Robinson, M. Homann, S. Lalonde, C. Heubeck, 2017, First find of fossilized raindrop imprints in the Moodies Group (3.2 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Geol. Soc. South Africa Geobulletin 60, 46-47.

Lowe, D.R., Heubeck, C., Byerly, G., 2016, Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Processes on the early Earth. - 35th Geological Congress Field Trip Pre-16, 22-28 August 2016, Guidebook, 81 p.

Heubeck, C., Grosch, E., Mason, P., 2016, Geology of the Barberton Greenstone Belt: Processes on the early Earth. - 35th Geological Congress Field Trip Post-7, 4-10 September 2016, Guidebook, 64 p.

Kröner, A. (comp.), 2016, Badplaas Field Workshop on Archaean Geodynamics, 18-22 August 2016,Southern Barberton Granitoid-Greenstone Terrane, South Africa - EXCURSION GUIDEBOOK
with contributions from C.R. Anhaeusser, C. Heubeck, J. E. Hoffmann, A. Hofmann, A.F.M. Kisters, J.-F. Moyen, K.P. Schneider, G. Stevens, H. Wang, M. van Kranendonk, 54 p.

Kröner A., Hofmann A., Heubeck C., von Kranendonk M. (comp.), 2014, Excursion guidebook - Witwatersrand Supergroup, Premier Kimberlite, and Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Guidebook to an Excursion of Chinese geoscientists, 20-28 July 2014.

Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1991, Barberton-Havelock Road between Diepgezet / Msauli Mine turnoff and Barberton (40.7 km), p. 140 -153, in: L.D. Ashwal (ed.), Two Cratons and an Orogen - Excursion Guidebook and Review Articles for a Field Workshop through Selected Archean Terranes of Swaziland, South Africa and Zimbabwe. IGCP Project 280, Dept. of Geology, Univ. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 312 p.

Scotese, C.R., L. Gahagan, M.I. Ross, J.Y. Royer, R.D. Mueller, D. Nuernberg, C.L. Mayes, L.A. Lawver, R.L. Tomlins, J.S. Newman, C. E. Heubeck, J. K. Winn, L. Beckley, and J.G. Sclater, 1987, Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic plate-tectonic reconstructions: Technical Report (Univ. of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics), unpaginated.

Wiedicke-Hombach, M., Andruleit, H., Balmaceda, G., Bruns, A., Contardo, X., Cramer, B., Delisle, G., Diaz-Naveas, J.L., Erbacher, J., Fenner, J.M., Georgens, R., Gomez, V.C., Harazim, B., Heubeck, C., Kloep, F., Kramer, W., Kus, J., Lückge, A., Mohtadi, M., Mühr, P., Panten, D., Reinhardt, L., Steinmann, D., Stummeyer, J., Zeibig, M., 2002, SO 161-5 SPOC (Subduction Process off Chile) - Geologie - Geochemie - Wärmestrom. Fahrtbericht (24.12.2001 - 26.01.2002), Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover / Germany, 224 p.

Book chapters (research)

Heubeck C., Arndt N., 2015, "Archean Environmental Conditions"; in: Gargaud M., Amils, R., Cernicharo Quintanulla, J., Cleaves, H.J., Irvine, W.M., Pinti, D., and Viso, M. eds., Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2nd ed.. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2550 p.

Heubeck C., 2015, "Moodies Group"; in: Gargaud M., Amils, R., Cernicharo Quintanulla, J., Cleaves, H.J., Irvine, W.M., Pinti, D., and Viso, M. eds., Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2nd ed. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2550 p.

Heubeck C., 2015, "Tides, Archean"; in: Gargaud M., Amils, R., Cernicharo Quintanulla, J., Cleaves, H.J., Irvine, W.M., Pinti, D., and Viso, M. eds., Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2nd ed. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2550 p.

Heubeck C., 2015, "Baryte"; in: Gargaud M., Amils, R., Cernicharo Quintanulla, J., Cleaves, H.J., Irvine, W.M., Pinti, D., and Viso, M. eds., Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2nd ed. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2550 p.

Heubeck C., 2015, "Fig Tree Group"; in: Gargaud M., Amils, R., Cernicharo Quintanulla, J., Cleaves, H.J., Irvine, W.M., Pinti, D., and Viso, M. eds., Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, 2nd ed. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2550 p.


I occasionally contribute to newspaper, radio and TV interviews on topics related to fossil energy or Earth history.