Unsere Forschungsprojekte

Paleontology and Micropaleontology

Unsere Forschungsprojekte
Picture: P. Frenzel


Our group investigates and teaches in the field of paleontology; the subject of this research are fossils. They represent important evidence about the history of the earth and the development of life. Fossils help us to understand the complex relationships between the biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and atmosphere, as well as processes occurring over long periods of time; thus, paleontology provides insights into our origins as humans and our responsibility for the Earth's ecosystems.

Paleontological research is about documenting fossil organisms and about reconstructing their way of life, and using them as indicators of the paleoenvironment, of diagenetic changes, and of the age of the rocks containing them. Our approach is primarily application-oriented, meaning that we use fossils and fossilizable organisms living today in paleoecology and paleoclimatology, environmental research, georisk assessment, geoarchaeology, and biostratigraphy. Our study areas are largely in Central Europe, the Mediterranean, Central Asia, western and southern Africa.

Our research is mainly micropaleontological. The taxonomic focus is on ostracodes (shell crustaceans), small crustaceans with a double-flap carapace of calcite, and foraminifera, usually shell-bearing unicellular organisms. Both are classic groups of micropaleontology and occur in virtually all waters in often large numbers and high diversity, with foraminifera usually restricted to the oceans. Ostracodes and foraminifera can be used to study aquatic sediments throughout the Phanerozoic, i.e., throughout Earth's history, which is well documented with fossils. For paleoecological studies, however, we also draw on other groups of organisms, such as molluscs, and collaborate with many research groups on an interdisciplinary basis. In addition to the numerous fields of application, this concerns shell chemistry, geochemistry and sedimentology. Our principal methods are therefore field work, sediment sample preparation, various imaging techniques (light microscopy, electron microscopy, microtomography and photogrammetry), chemical analysis and multivariate statistics.

We are convinced that paleontology within the geosciences has a great potential for knowledge transfer and communication of scientific knowledge due to its great popularity among the general public. We try to use this potential through active public relation work.


Active research projects in Jena

Revision der Systematik und Phylogenie der quartären und rezenten marinen podocopiden und halocypriden Ostracoda (Arthropoda, Crustacea)“ (VolkswagenStiftung 9B887) (gemeinsam mit N. Dykan)

2022 – 2023


Image: Thomas Daniel

"Automatisierte Identifikation von Ostrakoden" (Programm des projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs Hongkong 2022-2024) (DAAD 57601852) (gemeinsam mit M. Yasuhara)

2022 – 2023

Automated identification of ostracods

Image: P. Frenzel

BROMACKER: „Öffnen von Wissenschaft: Neue Wege der Wissenschaftskommunikation am Beispiel des Forschungsprojekts Bromacker: Geologie und Klima“ (BMBF 01UO2002C) (gemeinsam mit C. Heubeck und T. Voigt)

2020 – 2025

Paleontological excavation

Image: Frank Scholze

Finished research projects in Jena


    "Dem Einfluss von Mensch und Klima in Südafrika auf der Spur: Biodiversität und Bioindikatoren I - brackisch-marine Systeme" (BMBF 03F0798A)"

    2018 - 2021

  • RAIN 2

    Mikropaläontologie: Klimaindikatoren in limnischen und marinen Sedimenten“ Südafrikas (BMBF 03G0862B)

    2016 – 2018


    Holozäne Klimaereignisse in Nordarabien - Umweltveränderungen und menschliche Reaktionen" (DFG FR1489/5) (gemeinsam mit M. Engel und B. Plessen)

    2015 - 2018

  • RAIN

    Mikropaläontologie: Klimaindikatoren in limnischen und marinen Sedimenten“ Südafrikas (BMBF 03G0840B)

    2013 – 2016

    Learn more de
  • SPP 1372 TiP

    Mikrofossilien als Indikatoren für die Entwicklung aquatischer Ökosysteme und die Dynamik des Monsuns (DFG FR1489/4)"

    2011 - 2014

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  • Spätquartäre Veränderungen des Wasser- und Monsunsystems auf dem tibetischen Plateau

    Spätquartäre Veränderungen des Wasser- und Monsunsystems auf dem tibetischen Plateau (Landesgraduiertenstipendium für eine betreute Doktorandin)"

    2011 – 2014

  • SPP 1372 TiP

    Mikrofossilien als Indikatoren für die Entwicklung aquatischer Ökosysteme und die Dynamik des Monsuns" (DFG FR1489/2-3)

    2008 - 2011

  • Mikrofazielle, paläontologische und geochemische Untersuchungen zur Genese der Homo erectus-Fundstelle von Bilzingsleben

    Mikrofazielle, paläontologische und geochemische Untersuchungen zur Genese der Homo erectus-Fundstelle von Bilzingsleben (Landesgraduiertenstipendium für einen betreuten Doktoranden)

    2008 – 2011