Prof. Christoph Heubeck
Christoph Heubeck
Image: IGWE-Mail: christoph.heubeck@uni-jena.de
Tel.: +49 3641 9-48620
Fax: +49 3641 9-48622Raum H102
Burgweg 11
07749 Jena -
Sebastian Reimann
Sebastian Reimann
Image: IGWE-Mail: sebastian.reimann@uni-jena.de
Tel.: +49 3641 9-49636
Fax: +49 3641 9-48622Raum H 309 B
Burgweg 11
07749 Jena -
Deon Janse van Rensburg
Deon Janse van Rensburg
Image: IGWE-Mail: dj.j.van.rensburg@uni-jena.de
Tel.: +49 3641 9-49636
Fax: +49 3641 9-48622Raum H 309 B
Burgweg 11
07749 Jena
Heubeck, C., N. Drabon, G. Byerly, I. Leisgang, U. Linnemann, D.R. Lowe, R. Mertz-Kraus, A. Gonzalez-Pinzon, T. Thomsen, A. Zeh, Y. Rojas-Agramonte, A. Kröner, 2022, Detrital zircon provenance of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Eswatini. American Journal of Science 322, 65-107, DOI 10.2475/02.2022.01
Heubeck, C., S. Bläsing, N. Drabon, T. Eulenfeld, M.U. Grund, M. Homann, D. Janse van Rensburg, I. Köhler, S. Nabhan, C. Rabethge, T. Voigt, and D. Zentner-Joerges, 2022, Reassessing evidence of Moon-Earth dynamics from tidal bundles at 3.2 Ga (Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa). Sedimentology; DOI:10.1111/sed.12988
Bonnand, P., Köhler C., Heubeck, M. Homann, P. NHomann, M., and C. Heubeck, 2021, "A comment on "Metamorphic origin of anastomosing and wavy laminas overprinting putative microbial deposits from the 3.22 Ga Moodies Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt)"" by Saitoh et al. (2021). Precambrian Research, 365 (2021): 106395.
Janse van Rensburg, D., C. Heubeck, S. Reimann, 2021, Volcanoes in the estuaries: Insights into earth's oldest (3.22 Ga) terrestrial microbial habitats, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt. Research, 365 (2021) 106325.
Schmitz, M., and Heubeck, C. 2021, Constraints on deformation mechanisms of the Barberton Greenstone Belt from regional stratigraphic and structural data of the synorogenic Moodies Group. Precambrian Research, 362, 15 August 2021, 106177.
Reimann, S., Heubeck, C., Janse van Rensburg, D.J., Fugmann, P., Serre, S. H., Thomsen, T.B., Zametzer, A., 2021, Syndepositional hydrothermalism selectively preserves records of one of the earliest benthic ecosystems, Moodies Group (3.22 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: South African Journal of Geology 124, 253-278.
Bonnand, P., I. Köhler C. Heubeck, M. Homann, P. Nonotte, , K.O. Konhauser, M. Boyet, S.V. Lalonde, 2020, Post-depositional REE mobility in a Paleoarchean banded iron formation revealed by La-Ce geochronology: A cautionary tale for signals of ancient oxygenation. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 547, 116452.
Becker, L., and Heubeck, C., 2020, Behind-the-outcrop research drilling in the Sobrarbe Delta, Ainsa Basin: Core description and sedimentation processes in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic delta complex. In J. Grötsch und M. Pöppelreiter, eds., Digital Geology - Multi-scale analysis of depositional systems and their subsurface workflows. - EAGE (Amsterdam), 139-160.
Nabhan, S., Marin-Carbonne, J., Mason, P.R.D., and C. Heubeck, 2020, In situ S-isotope compositions of sulfate and sulfide from the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Africa: A record of oxidative sulfur cycling. Geobiology 2020;00: 1 - 19; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12393
Köhler, I., and Heubeck, C., 2019, Tephra associated with microbial mats of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Resemblance to potential biostructures and ecological implications: South African Journal of Geology; doi:10.25131/sajg.122.0015
Drabon, N., C. Heubeck, and D.R. Lowe, accepted 2019, Evolution of an Archean fan delta and its implications for the initiation of uplift and deformation in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa. Journal of Sedimentary Research
Heubeck, C., 2019, The Moodies Group - A high-resolution archive of Archaean surface and basin-forming processes; in: A. Kröner and A. Hofmann (eds.), The Archaean Geology of the Kaapvaal Craton, Southern Africa. Springer (Regional Geology Reviews), p. 203-241; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-78652-0_6
Stutenbecker, L., Heubeck, C., and Zeh, A., 2019, The Lomati Delta Complex: A prograding tidal delta in the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt. South African Journal of Geology, 122, 17-38.
Byerly, G.R., D.R. Lowe, C. Heubeck, 2018, Geologic evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt - a unique record of crustal development, surface processes, and early life 3.55 to 3.20 Ga; in: Van Kranendonk, M.J., Bennett, V.C., and Hoffmann, J.E., Earth's Oldest Rocks - Second Edition. Elsevier (Amsterdam), 569-613.
Homann, M., P. Sansjofre, M. Van Zuilen, C. Heubeck, J. Gong, B. Killingsworth, I. Foster, A. Airo, M. J. Van Kranendonk, M. Ader, and S.V. Lalonde, 2018, Microbial life and biogeochemical cycling on land 3,220 million years ago: Nature Geoscience, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0190-9
C. Heubeck and T. FerrarImage: C, Heubeck
Documenting tidal strataImage: C. Heubeck
Eureka SynclineImage: C. Heubeck
Fig Tree JaspilliteImage: C. Heubeck
Geologists in actionImage: C. Heubeck
Geologist´s natural habitatImage: C. Heubeck
Makhonjwa MountainsImage: C. Heubeck
Makhonjwa MountainsImage: C. Heubeck
Makhonjwa MountainsImage: C. Heubeck
Microbial matsImage: C. Heubeck
omatiitic ashImage: C. Heubeck